I recovered these note pads sometime ago but I forgot to post them.
These are magnetic note pads that are ideal for keeping on the fridge.
I have had one on my fridge for several months now and it stays on there brilliantly.
(I do like to do a test run on anything I think maybe a seller.
I would hate to recommend something to sell knowing that it wasn't fit for the purpose.)
After decorating the front of the pads with designer paper and a stamped image.
I used A4 magnetic sheets and cut them into strips two and half inch wide by the length of the note pad. You maybe thinking this amount of magnetic sheet is a little excessive but I tried magnetic tape and then I tried few strips of the sheets but it just wasn't strong enough to hold the note pad to the fridge door ...well, not for long.
Everytime I opened the door the note pad fell off. Besides not doing what it was supposed to do it looked ugly and untidy with lots of strips of tape on the back. Which is why I chose to use a much larger piece of magnetic sheet on the back of the pad. Not only does it look tidier, it works better.
These note pads would be a great item to sell at school fayres.
The shopping list pads fit perfectly into the tall DL card bags too, so presentation is a synch.