Saturday 24 December 2011

Merry Christmas

No time to post anything now.... it's Christmas eve and like most Mum's and Grandma's I am unto my neck in Christmas dinner preparations for eight and making sure I have enough chairs, cutlery, crockery and glasses and generally praying the whole event goes perfectly and that I don't over cook the the enormous rib of beef.
I have spent the last few days making Chocolate truffles, Rocky Road cake, Mince pies, Amaretti biscuits and Meringues for a Pavlova. But I thought I would take a few minutes out to wish you All a very merry Christmas wherever you are.
I need to get back to my preparations now as I am running behind again. I have almost completed the table menus but I still have the place setting cards to do.
My mother in law will be disappointed if she doesn't have her place setting card to take home along with a menu so she can show her friends and tell them what she had for dinner. She really does love the little things I do, Bless her. It's so lovely when somebody appreciates the little things you do.
I will post photos after Christmas providing Mummy doesn't steal all the menus. ha ha ha.

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